"Since my self-demise in November 2011, Reliance 'Health' has been deeply involved. It was one of their Outreach to Homeless staff members who talked me out of my unheated, waterless, and electricity-free home into Veteran’s housing. He helped me with the State of Connecticut disability enrollment and set me up with the New London Hospitality Services. Basically, he set me up with the VA programs I have now. Reliance 'Health' counselors have helped members complete trips to the store and medical appointments. There have been times when I needed them to talk me through my problems – using their guidance has helped me through difficult times. They coordinate house activities – picnics, cookouts, etc. which I enjoy. Without Reliance 'Health', I wouldn’t be in the healthy position I find myself in now.

Reliance 'Health' is an organization that has trained personnel available for members of the community who seek emotional, mental, and physical help. When I was in dire need, Reliance 'Health' stepped in adamantly and took me by the hand through some of their programs available to me that I had no clue of. Now I have people I can speak to."