Last year our Leadership Academy chose to host a golf tournament to raise funds for members looking to further their education goals. The Par 4 Charity Golf Tournament was a huge success, and a lot of fun! The Leadership Academy graduates raised over $4,000 which has been used to assist 4 members in paying for education related expenses to date.

Leadership graduates were so encouraged that they’ve already started planning the 2nd Annual Par 4 Charity Golf Tournament! This year’s event will focus on raising funds to help build a teaching kitchen in our new building at 2 Cliff Street in Norwich. So, what exactly is a teaching kitchen, and what does it have to do with mental wellness?

Simply stated, a teaching kitchen is a space dedicated to teaching life skills. In addition to cooking, individuals with access to a teaching kitchen can learn about nutrition, budgeting, mindfulness, physical activity, and connections between food and whole-body wellness. While learning new skills, individuals will also be able to teach others, sharing their knowledge while building self-esteem and confidence in their abilities.

By incorporating a teaching kitchen into our new space at 2-6 Cliff Street we hope to design a room that functions more like a laboratory than your standard, at home kitchen. This includes space for people to gather, a large, stainless-steel island, multiple sinks, work stations, and an abundance of tools to encourage participation and hands-on activities. We hope to get people excited about learning, and eager to share their talents. We hope to inspire a change in the way people are eating, and the way they care for their bodies. As an organization dedicated to enhancing health through mental wellness, Reliance Health strives to provide individuals with the support and tools necessary to be successful in achieving their goals. A teaching kitchen will go a long way in helping us to accomplish this.

We hope that you will join us at the 2nd Annual Par 4 Charity Golf Tournament, being held on Saturday, August 25th at River Ridge Golf Course in Griswold to raise funds for a teaching kitchen. The scramble style tournament will include a day of golf, cash prizes, dinner, and raffles. For more information, and to register online visit: For a paper registration form, click here.

Interested in being a sponsor for this event? Click here to contact us!